You Can Become a Dental Assistant in 10 Weeks

Dental Essentials School Of Dental Assisting Salt Lake City

New Courses Start Every 2 Weeks

You’re busy working, going to school and living life. That’s why we offer a 10 week program that only requires attendance two nights a week. No need to make major changes to your life, call today and we can discuss what works best for you.

What You’ll Learn – Curriculum

You will receive the most hands on training available in a 10 week format. When you’ve successfully completed the program, you will be able to do the following:


  • Perform basic chair side dental assisting techniques
  • Understand and perform aseptic techniques and management of hazardous materials
  • Identify and utilize dental instruments, materials and equipment efficiently
  • Process digital dental radiographs
    and other basic dental assisting duties

Dental School Schedule

We are excited to offer dental assisting training in the Cache Valley Logan area. Classes are Tuesday and Thursday from 5:30 – 9:30 . Hands on training. Small evening classes, only 8 hours per week. Graduate with x-ray and CPR certification.
​School Starts Every two weeks.

​Admission Process as Easy as 1-2-3, start training today to become a dental assistant today.

Dental Assisting School Salt Lake City

X-Ray Certification

When you become a Dental Assistant you will be trained and X-ray certified. You will be given to training to take all x-rays that are required in the dental office.

Dental Assisting School Salt Lake City Utah

Hands On Training

Students on their first day will make their very own aliginate impressions of their teeth.

Students will also work with Dr. Skinner assisting him on dental procedures. We only do this once or twice during course.

Dental Assisting School Salt Lake City Utah

Experienced Staff

Julia has been working as a Dental Assistant and Front Desk for over 10 years. Her passion is dentistry and she loves teaching this class. She’s excited to properly train you and get you ready to work as a trained Dental assistant

Dental Essentials School of Dental Assisting Salt Lake City

Don't waste your precious time. Contact Us Now!